Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 343 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 343 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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| May 2 1901 " All we Like Sheep . " ( Excerpts ) Miss Maud Allan , the craze of the hour and the idol of fashion- Miss Maud Allan , successful applicant for the toleration of the clergy , and goldmine to the shareholders to the Palace Theatre - Miss Maud Aalan can afford to turn A deaf ear to the jarring note . The note , sounded long ago by a journalistic John the Baptistt in the phrase " governess - like capers was quickly Mu .. drowned in the loud and imposing proclamation of the names and titles of the patrons of ZM iss Allan's Wednesday matinees .. How has her success come about ? Miss Allan says that it because she practises a new art . But nine years ago there came to London , unheralded , unboomed , unadvertised , a young American girl , Miss Isadora Duncan . She also practised the " new art . " She danced Chopin , daNCED Greeg , danced Monteverde . She also went bare - footed , bare - legged . She had an miraculous " elevation " which Miss Allan does not possess . Yet she came to London and left it without attracting notice or provoking controversy . Miss Duncan did better in Berlin . There they built a theatre for her . This theatre has for some years been crowded night after night with rich German patrons of the art , each patron with opera glasses glued to his eyes . Miss Duncan like Miss Allan wears ( no shoes ? ] ... / " From no other outward help than the great masters ' works have I succeeded in uniting music and the plastic in a form which is not generally undersroood as dancing , " [ says Miss Allan in her Daily Mail article on " The Art of Dancing ] . Miss Allan studied music in Berlin , the Berlin where Miss Duncan was uniting music and the plastic nightly , and Miuss Allan did not go to see her ! Neverthreless , Miss Duncan was Miss Allan's predecessor ; and the fgailure of London to recognise the art of the predecessor makes me qusaetion if London's recognition of the art of the follower shows genuine instinct .

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