Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 340 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 340 51 2008-1-29.jpg
(No description added)

Felix Cherniavsky - News Clippings 1900s 2

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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April Sunday 1908 26 , merican Magazine Section SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER Greatluss Over John the Baptists Tead Britalo gigats Heered . EN cant , towfre draperies and the unconfined body on the ITBOX prension , the vision of Saint for mnost diarto creations ho Papin pobile bolas the spot tolerant o boydag - > santed it thera Ant ; and as sodi tha mars Qosventloun ) Dagland . be Bill fear that meet Det of John the Baptist end them inclair , is et present the most talent abou C ity . " E's is a giant and an atlets , and he preaches town 200 barel trus to Lond Tashionable society . be 8083esdire voloptuou Dean of Mles Allen's done would ha abbornet to him N the drama *** alone the papier who is imprlsoped 10 a cistern in the muache and horned bead of John the King's palace . The Slaga executioger de Baptist though revolting thing to seends Into the clatern , and presenti bis se upon . bas been accepted by enlight black and reaches up presenting to Balome med audiences in Europe and America as the prophet's freshly severed head 03 necessary to the wild presentation of a shield . Salome seizes and holds it speak powerfully drareatic incident authorized log torit : by Seréptural history . ** Ah , thou wouldst not suffer 2e to kiss " Hamlet " without the Prince of Den thy mouth , Iotadaan ( the Hebrew name mark would be about all complete as of Jobs the Baptist . ) Fell , I will kiss it * Salome without the freshly revered mar . I will bite it with my teeth 83 one head of John the Baptist presented to the bites & ripe fruit Yes , I will kles thy daughter of Herodias on a charger mouth , Jakuan . Iaid it . 4. IVIT But the " ange prop " bead of our kiss it now . Saviour's herald ta pov belng used in # A great black cloud crosses the moon . #beatrical sensation of a very different The stage , becomes very dark . The role of character and in London , England , there Salome is beard : Is a great to - do about it . Opposition led " Ah ! I have kissed thy mouth , JOKODRAN , by the reperable Archdeacon Sinclair has I have hused the mouth . There as 4 reached the proportion of a crusade to bitter taste on thy lips . Wa , it the taste compel Miss Maud Allen to cease giving of blood ! But , perchance , it is the taste her dance , whieh ebe calls The Vision of love . They say that love hath a bitter of Salome , " and in which she foodles the taste . But what of that ? wbat or that ? head of John the Baptlat and kisses It ! bare kissed thy mouth , Jokensan . " Dapler pechs lips . A moonbeam rails ou Salome , corerias There are other objections to the dance her with Ught . Kis Hered sees her and a Miss Allen gives it , which suggest the Glled with fear and porror . following question : Herod . " * that voman . " * IS & # propesor evo good ert . Por s Soldiers rose forward and crueh be beantiful young woman , a dancer Of To Death their ehteid , Belome , daughter of luptuous sgurs to appear in publle bars Heroüips , Princess of Juden . " footed to a single dlapbanous surmont Oply a small portion of Salome's aposto . ho tishta per undergarments of any kind - pbe to the head of John the Baptist in with the head of John the Baptist as the given . In the play it expresses the whole object of her amorous pantomime ? history of the Princess's Infatuation for arebdesopa sinctair's answer is an en end rejection by the propbet . Therefore , pbatie . " Ne ! And his opinion is backed in Miss Allen's dance - pantenime the head by sarawe army of indignant followers . The controversy ta certaia to reach this plays & most important point . Tratle with country , as the dancer is under contract box beautiful body cho plotuen s the to apbear later on in New York in this voluptuous loagine and abandon of the specialty , which enchanted Paris , and also Judean Princess , it la the presence of London , in spite of the objections of Arch . the head itself that furnishes the olmax doney Sinclair and his army of crusaders , or the scene , MIS . Allen dreny the inspiration for her She must beide it , and fondle it , and danco pantomime . " The vision of Salome , kiss its los to complete ber pantomimo toon be closlax enantional scene of the story . Except in the painting of Saint drums of " Satome , which follers : Anthony's toptatlon , history of Iterators the beautiful daughter of Herodias her furatsues no sueh opportunity for 8 poena danced or Blog Berod on his promise to so contradietory in its main element mire to be whatever asked of him . Like Isadora Duncan , Vand Allen , Spa She demands the head of John the Baptiste dancer , has devoted herself to epitque ho by scorned ber amorous advances and models , especially Greek Which means She is a woman , and ne oman may depert , so far from the Berlour's dien ) of women address on the subject be said : " The principle from bleh Chrikt pro ceeded to denoto the position of poana . who in Greece was druden , in Homs & chettol , and among the Jews steeluse . To that 0 $ absoluta . uncompromis merito . The whole tenor of the narrative of the despele preronta to a persoa 40 pure 34 elevated that the pions of the age could not even thought of yakor men were e We pretenen und des Plis intunen the Qurce of the Vislanov Ses ** must be drea , the Archdeacon declaran that it pa bo piveu ont the greens ence of the prophet's head is as ROSET 10 50 20 . thin the darknemere was a csiption of the date abonnent that the netul bend on Decente dareed tot , poho , Zing but Conch horfa Ne shenjen Coll through the burdin botan yok veljes hids feantractant of her free to 110868 of cariens amild the Bariar trotts et dans Phoenicia purile de ginde CA he Quirino nga bao HOTEL

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