Norbert Vesak Portfolio

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

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Norbert Vesak Portfolio

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Various photocopies of news clippings, including:

- VESAK25: Copy of newspaper clipping about The Playhouse Theatre Company's "Land Before Time." "Dramatic Peas and Beans Don't Belong in the Same Playhouse Theatre Pod" by Christopher Dafoe.

- VESAK27: Copy of newspaper clipping about Playhouse Stage 2's "Land Before Time," Arts Club Theatre, February 20, 1969.

- VESAK38: Copy of newspaper clipping about George Ryga's "The Ecstasy of Rita Joe." "Third Act for Rita Joe." June 21, 1969.

- VESAK44: Copy of program for The Playhouse Theatre Company's "The Royal Hunt of the Sun," 1969/1970.

- VESAK87: Copy of newspaper clipping about Norbert Vesak moving to California. "Canadian Offers 'Too Late'," by Glennis Zilm, August 19, 19[?].

- VESAK145a-b: Copy of program for Paul St. Pierre's "Skokiam."
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Amy Hull – June 29 Presentation
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2 . Third Act for Kid Joe 21/62 ONE - Indian Affairs Minister Jean Chretien ints a third act added to George ga's play , The Ecstacy of Rita Joe . could be he's writing it himself . David Gardner , artistic director of Playhouse Theatre Company which sented the play last week in the new tional Arts Centre in Ottawa , told ind - the - scenes stories of the produc at a press conference here Friday . had a noticeable impact on Chretien Justice Minister John Turner , he Chretien told him , " It needs a third told him that probably the third act be written by himself and the In community in Canada , " said Gard “ This is mind - boggling , but would ful , " declared Gardner , who red left a job as television producer in onto to succeed Joy Coghill as a director . ( Miss Coghill leaves Monday for land on a Canada Council grant . ) The play is being translated French for production in Quebec . The National Film Board has alr done a short color strip of the pla its coverage of the centre's op festival and the CBC recorded it Release of the recording is sched for Aug. 15 . In addition , the CBC is investig possibilities of televising further dian plays performed by the Playh Theatre Company in the coming se which opens with Royal Hunt of the He said he hopes that the com will get another trip to the centre in the next couple of years . It is a waste of money mounti production for only a two - week Gardner said , but in Canada the a geographic problem to face . There is too large a distance bet the cities which are large enoug support a sustained run . Nevertheless , he said , some el should be made to move theatre pro tions around the country , with the tre as " a depot in the heart of the country . 9 seemed to be a remark he liked . Replied , ' Maybe a change will occur few weeks ' . " Irner , Gardner said , seemed at a and kept asking , “ What does one canwhile , the success of Rita Joe improve the outlook for drama area , Gardner predicted . Hay he got word that the National Board is interested in making it film . The CBC already has plans it on video tape . CBC production will be in the uver studios next January . 6

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