Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 335 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 335 51 2008-1-29.jpg
(No description added)
Maud Allan Research Collection
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es * * * rast in . ESTABLISHED 1892 . Canadian courrier 1908 ) С C AND DRAMA Tan , Freckles , Moth Patches , Discolorations There is no longer g given un- development of histrionic art . These any need of having a spotted , blotched , of the are the days when personality looms sallow or discolor . ed complexion , one sociation in large in the public eye and clever that looks anything but healthy . Don't week was of advertising paves the path to popular feel sensitive or uncomfortable any he first time favour . And these are the two aids longer , but use Yeats ' Celtic which Miss Marlowe has most PRINCESS luced . It was studiously avoided . " COMPLEXION thur Wing PURIFIER mer , which the one remedy THAT enterprising London ( Eng above all others to the that makes bad Irish poet's land ) journal , the Daily Mail , complexions pure , clear and all that 1. Paterson , has recently announced that Miss could be desired . A Maud Allan , a dancer who has lately Boston , Mass . , Indy writes : - " I have he occasion , appeared before English audiences , is nised one bottle of for the thor of your complexion of Canadian birth , having , according purifier and wish ier in which to thank you for " Il to the London paper , been born in the It has done for me . e staged , al Send me two more bottles . " If your complexion is bad , city of Toronto . Miss Allan's achieve- try it . PRICE $ 1.50 , THREE FOR $ 4.00 . EXPRESS PAID . ' s not afford ments are of a rather startling order , The tale of Superfluous Hair moles , etc. , eradicated forever by our method of Electro nisty ages of especially that , when , " veiled in black lysis . Come at Easter for treatinent if you live out of town . Wite for booklet " R. " and , indeed , gauze , she danced to Chopin's Fun eral March and perfectly embodied lmost as en Hiscott Dermatological Institute the fine pathos of it . " The Salome It is the 61 College Street , Toronto . Tol . M. 831 . dance in which this fair creature in fleeing from dulges is also erratic to a degree and je revenge of the Archdeacon of London has very nd her lover 1 by the out properly protested against the " bring Is his victory ing of John the Baptist's head on to the stage . ” The British theatre irdre chooses THE CALL OF SPRING Mr. R. S. goers apparently take a tremendous Miss Brenda interest in the public dancer and de Something concerning the Famous nging - woman vote space in lavish paragraphs to Mendelssohn Spring Song . such entertainment . It is significant e mystic sor The rare charm of Mendelssohn's the drama , to note that Mlle . Genee , the danseuse Spring Song lies in the melody , though , who was so popular in London , has agedy . Miss of course , the accompaniment is so failed to make a favourable impres- arranged , like the frame of a picture , ately Deirdre sion on the New York critics . Can it to intensify the effect of the melody . vincing Con be that London taste is degenerating , Only a great virtuoso can play the was an ac that drama of the nobler type is being Spring Song with perfection because in the bill . of the difficulty an amateur finds in supplanted by dancing and drivel ? ng with spirit According to Mr. Stead such is the bringing out the melody with a smooth the girl who legato touch uninfluenced by the re case . However , Chopin's Funeral quirements of the accompaniment . to save her March with Terpsichore and black Either the tones will be too jerky or Itogether the sful and it is gauze accompaniment is not a cheer they will become buried in the accom of Mr. Yeats ' fur composition to consider . paniment . But it is possible for per sons of musical taste to hear the Spring resentation in Song as they would like to hear it even ies ought to though their technical equipment may THE concert of the People's Choral dramatic en not be equal to the task of playing it . Union in Massey Music Hall on There is in the Angelus piano - player a Tuesday night closed Mr. H. M. device called the Melodant which will Fletcher's season of strenuous con- bring out definitely and clearly the ductorship . The work of this organ- melody of the Spring Song , or of any S return to isation is thoroughly accomplished other similar composition . Moreover ost important and local interest is strongly mani it is possible for the person operating eason and the ito , will prob fested in the excellent audiences the Angelus to phrase the music in accordance with his idea of expression . eek for every which assemble annually to hear the In short the Angelus is a complete she appears . result of the season's training . Mr. piano technique ready for any person recalling with Fletcher is always at pains to secure of musical taste . This player has he first occa the best available soloists and this been secured by Messrs . Gourlay , Winter & Leeming for installation as arlowe played year's choice was especially accept able : and the pro Madame LeGrand Reed , an interior part of the well - known Madame Bessie Bonsall and Mr. Gourlay piano . Every musician knows created the high standing of this firm and the were especial Ruthven McDonald . The former has splendid character of the Gourlay . been associated with Mr. Fletcher's r appreciation When it is combined with the Angelus , he years have organisations in several concerts and the combination is one that will appeal her pure , flexible soprano is always to all lovers of musical art . rith deepening There are was a time a source of lyric pleasure . Madame scoffers who imagine that no artistic genius had Bonsall's voice is a rarely rich con result can be secured from a mechani tralto which won the admiration of cal piano - player . These persons are exerts to - day . particularly invited to call at the Yonge tion is all the Canadian audiences years ago when Street warerooms of the firm and è evil days of the Ovide Musin Company included judge for themselves . shy vaudeville the young Canadian singer in its There are membership . S. Since then Madame avoided these Bonsall has had the advantage of sev such as Julia eral years ' training under such for- TAILOR MADE BY MAIL an appreciate eign masters as Randegger and Sir illet perform Charles Santley with most pleasing Write to us for samples and information ul . Mr. Louis artistic result . The singer , unlike regarding our easy Self Measuring Chart and New Style Back . the prophet , has honour in her own One price only . best - known country and Toronto audiences ap SIT OUTDONAT * * * as 3 1 ནན ༣ ་

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