Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 333 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 333 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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1968 Guhan Marh26 / cigar - smoking men --- like reading De Quincey on a racecourse 1908 4 All 7 1 that seem lifeless ; then she glides quietly througai curtain - and you awake from your dream . It is a strange état d'âme to have passed through in this Palace of Varieties , THE DRAMA . amid its very worldly - looking crowd of aigretted women and TLS or at Ranelagh . THE NEW DANCER . Pour next dream is to the familiar , rather too familiar , ture of Mendelssolin's “ Spring Song , " the dream - figuro Miss Maud Allan is the mode of the moment . Nitting hither and thither - cllegretto grazioso -- in pursuit London , " as the posters say , or at any rato as much of of an imaginary butterly . This is of course no time for London as can squeeze itself into tho Palace Theatre of languorous melancholy ; the girl's morenients are brisk Varieties , is making a point of seeing her . For the serried and rapid ; she makes little ruslics backwards and forwards ranks of gentlemen , old and young , equipped with opera or , like " Camilla , shims along the plain . " Now she is on glasses , it is easy to account by the rumour - not at all tip - toe with arms outstretched , now swiftly bending to the hccurato -- that the lady is attired for one of her dances in ground , now " settling " for a moment like the butterfly she little elso than hends . But tho mandato dames are there , pursties -- in short , gives you the quintessence of the too , to see and be seen , and a careful scrutiny may evon papilionaceous . This you count a day - dream , you feel the reveal a genuine annatour of dancing for dancing's sake . When warm summer - breeze - again an impression curiously incon - Miss Allan's 6 turn gruous with your actual surroundings . In the true sense of arrives , at a quarter past ten , there is the sudden silonco that betokens cager expectation . The The word , then , this dancer's art is entrancing . It converts you into a hypnotized subject . stage is unfurnished save by a few pedestals for flambeaux , But the dancer has reserved her master - stroke for the last . and for background there are plain velvet curtains of a subfuse hue . Then the violin bows glide softly into the first This “ Vision of Salome " has not only made her famous , but strains of Chepin's valse in A minor ( op . 34 , No. 2 ) -- and the bas so haunting a fascination that , to our own know dream begins . The Agure of the dream is a young girl ; you ledge , many people cannot keep away from it and return to the Palace to see it night after night . For many of us in perceive her , that is to say , to be a girl when you wake again , But to your dreaming senso she is a nymph op ? Tanagra Calderon's vida es sueño for our motto , and caring little this forld will go anywhere in search of dreams , taking statuette . Timidly sho slips through the curtains , and then appears to be drawn unconsciously into movement by the music . whether our dreams come to us through the Gate of Ivory or the Gato of Horn . This time our dream is sensuous , Say rather that she becomes part of the music - music made visible . She wears light classic drapery that seems not so decadent , macabre . To the strains of weird Oriental music such to clothe her as to serve as ambient air wherein she Salome slowly descends the palace steps . There are jewels on her neck and bosom , and she wears a tunic of black gauzr . Loats . Her limbs and feet are bare : siendor and supple feci that seem rather to caress the ground than to be it is of the essence , of course , of Eastern dancing to show urted hy it . When her arms wave it is a ware in the rhythmic movements of the body round itself , so to speak , true sense that they form ; a ripple runs along them , slowly as a pivot , which means , of course , that it may become , as in dying out at the inger - tips . Iler lands have something of the notorious case of the danse du ventre , something lascivious the leaf or petal about them , gentiy opening and foiding or and repulsively ugly . Now it is obvious that this dancer could make no movement or posture that is not beautiful , curving back upon their stem , like Daphne's hands in that picture of Giorgione where the god has caught her and she and , in fact , her dancing as Salone , though Eastern in is just turning to laurel . For exquisite felicity of expression spirit through and through , is absolutely without the slightest we can only compare them with the hands of Đuse --- rhom suggestion of the rulgarities so familiar to the tourist in Cairo or Tangier . She achieves the distinction -- we admit it D'Annunzio has so well called dalle belle mani . Here they express - how we cannot guess , we merely state the fact - a the lascivious and the voluptuous . Salome dances as one risks being a nice distinction , but săe achieves it -- between pensive melancholy , the pague sad reverie of Chopin's music . fascinated , slowly advancing towards the head and swiftly But the A minor valse , as every one knows , modulates at receding from it , gradually drawing nearer and nearer , Kimes into the relatiro major , and then the dancer's face then falling upon hands and knees and gloating , half savagely , changes , and expresses bope and joy , and her hands and limbs half amo norously , over it , then pouncing upon it like a hawk and all the movements of her body cipress bopo and joy . upon its prey . Thereafter she dances fear , a quivering , Only for a moment , however , for again the music sinks back shuddering dance , and finally collapses , a huddled -- but still into the minor key and you see the joy fading out of the girl's graceful , still beautiful - mass . And there you have the Tace , and leaving her arms and hands , and she danees as one secret of her art , sheer beauty ; every line in it , every ou pressed , falling at last ; iato a wan despair . The music phythm , every movement , every posture , every pause , is czoases ; the dancer is quito still , with bend lower over lunds beautiful . And so Maud Allan gives you beautiful dreams , and we do not wonder that all the dreamers in London and all the lovers of beauty for beauty's sake are crowding to see her , and return to see her again and again . 1

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