Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 327a 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 327a 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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" SALON - BX1 The 3 A NEW CANADIAN DANG R. The March & 1908. obsewer — There can be little doubt that all Allan , the Canadian danger who will make her first appearance at the Palace Theatre to morrow , will take London by storm , just as she took Paris and Berlin , and every other centre ' where she seen in her clasic dances , " . She is a reincarnation of the moto graceful and rhythmic iorms of classic Greece ; but in her the grace and rhythm of Creek ast or changed into exquisite movement from the frozen form in which they appear on Greek vases and relief . Miss Allan is , how ever , Dot only sculpture brou ht to life , but musio turned into moving sculpture Her mupple , pliant , apparently weightless body * enacts Mendelssohn's ' hackneyod Spring Song in such a manner that it seems a fresh thing , full of poetic suggestions . Surprise and delight at the marvels of Spring , the sense of balmy air , blossoming trees , trilling birds , are not suggested but clearly explisaned in her dance . Even more entrancing is her interpre lation of Rubinstein's " Valse Caprice " as wild Bacchantic intoxication of joy ; whilst in " The Vision of Salome " her , writhing body enacts the whole voluptuousness of Eastern femininity . 1 16 $ Alhambra ! " Apuis Obsewer 1908 Mr. George Soole has been quvida at the batho inovilublot 116 ing of the mind which is just now Aras ) at the Palace . There is a good deal of fun about the chaff of Miss Moud Allan's " Salome , browly elaborated in " Sal - oh - Ny ! " but unfortunately such an episoda as the intro duction of John the Baptist's head proves even less suit to connie than to serious illustration upon the stage . It may well be that as Mr. Alfred Moul ingeniously urges in deprocation of adverse criticism he is only “ burlesqing what is itself a during parody of Biblical tran dition . " But the fact reinains that for most people there is a distinct Biblical suggestion about the whole story of tho danou of cho daughter of Herodias , and that in any casa there must be something painfully tasteless in 4 practical joko played with the head of decapitated saint . Apart from the business " connected with the irreverent theatrical “ property " there is much to praiso in the travesty which of course devotes much of the burlesque of its " Nautchy W Sal , the High - Priestes , to that wonderfully expressive play of hand which is the distin tive featuro of Miss Allan's highly com plished and admirably boomed art . If it cannot be honestly said that in this phase of her work Miss Allan finds a very dangerous rival in La Belle Leonora it must at least be admitted that as a danger of sinuous and sonsuous graco graco the Spanish_bellenina compares by no means unfavourably with the object of her parody . She is quite worth seeing on her own merits , and apart from the humour of her association with the airily attired Maudlin - Salami Girls , whose partners in their cakewalk are young , gentlemen in evening dress . Exactly the right kind of ac . companiment for the joke is supplied by Mr. George W. Byng ,. whese mélange of popular and classical music begins appropriately with ** Como into the Garden , Maud , tinues with some remarkablo borrowing from those musical composers ** Rubenshon and Mendelstein . " It should be added that " Sal . oh - My " crowded the house on its firet night , and causod much hearty laughter . con DIARY OF THE VIDI . NB Tableaux bevants Mme Timara Monday Apul 18+ Mol Monday . KENNINOros- " The Woman of Boost CAXDI- A Girl's Cross Rate BOBOCBtingarea " -Herto V FULXAN " Monte Cristo Bouw Kixos- " With Edged Tools . " . CORONET- " The Gondoliere . " BIARLOzorox- * The Bella of New York . ** HirrorROM3 - The Human Top . COLIS 04 - Julian Roce . Y - That the PAVILION.Gyrne Mozart . HELLS - toglu - Forah Circus Oxroad - Fred Lindasyond The Cinger de Turcia Ad lo ora . LIKTEOPOLITAS

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