Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 310 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 310 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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June lo She I came as ARIS . June 16 . the wit of an American girl which was met was to dance the Salome at the Now among the most ramous or the nqres Inside it as yet was nothing in n moms Twas not long after the Dance ot the by the mordant spirit of fungarian humor , Munchner Schauspielhaus at Munich , and there is the Count Zichy . Clubman , sports , #grun , bantvarie touch tht some old Tar , there to witness her rehearsal came Knul . man . owner of vast estates on which his up dashed 9 elosed carriage . " Out of To Maud Allen , waying like a pasturchfeftain would have enjoyed or which bach and Grutzner and pvang Stuek and verts are as they were hundreds of year stepped Maud Allen robed as Primave sion flower in the last steps of the Seven would have tickled the heart of an ancleut all the great musicians of the city ago , Count Zichy is one of the leaders of There was a gasp of admiration from Vells , a giant negro brought upon a great , Russian court Also came Miss Allen , About her fore . the last set of that curious old city . Cour . crowd . None had thought she would earer the head of Jolaanan , Less than a year it has been that Maud head was a fllet of pearls . Over her bare age is his shibboleth , as it is with most of it . Count Zichy twirled his inustache All about the dimalon of the Buda , Allen 1 her unique geulus won the at- shoulders fell a great barbarie necklace of the nobles of Buda - Pesth . Primitive pas . looked annoyed . Pesth palace sat silent nobles of the city . tention of Durope . It is less than two many colored jewels . Strands of jewels sions are thick in the mediaeval atmosphere And now in the centre of the cage Her eyes hall closed , the dancer raised wees that she appeared in Paris which fell from it over breastlets of pearls , that clings about the ancient town . Primi . the dancer . Again the door swung o by its dank hair the ghastly prize of He- promptly went wild over her . Hor Miss Other strands fell to the jewelled girdle , tive virtues , ytoo , Life there is somewhat and there entered two lumbering little rodlas's daughter . Allen , who was born in San Francisco , by and beneath the jewels was only the ilke a great barbaric Jewel faceted curi , cubs , grumbling and playing like a pali She leaned toward it's lips . Gently the the way , lind a new idea - or an idea al- dancer . ously by modern hand and thought , The kittens . Above them keeper gra severed head touched her wrists , and there most as old as the world , but rejuvenated . Soft , almost transparent , olinging to the combination gives curious lights , strange watched . shot through her a terrible tremor , a shiver . Educated in France and Germany , a pupil Vody , so that no slightest movement was flashes , weird shadows . There was a perfect cyclone of laugh fag of the soul . Upon her white flesh were of Busoni at Berlin , she had found in her hidden , fell to her bare feet a golden Therefore it was not odd that at a dinner over . Courage , however , is a foundation stone , from the crowd . Count Zichy was mad red stains , dark crimson clots . It was blood , the power to interpret the masters of tinted skirt . It was la fraud , it was a Yad Her body rigid as though carved in mar- music , not by singing , not by any instru- She danced , and she was -- well , Salome , slven in the dancer's honor in March by a trick ; he would not pay , score of pobles the talk should have turned Rapturously Munich waited for her pre ble , the dancer slowly forced her eyes to ment , but by dancing . But in the gale of laughter Maud A to the imanifold virtues of courage and its sweetly went on with the dance . Now To the study and the development of miere . the face she held aloft . It was the face of a man not long dead . this gift she gave her years froin eighteen Alas , for waiting Munich ! Between the multitudinous manifestations , then one of the fierce and untamed 1 It takes most tremendous courage , In Palestine , in Egypt , in rehearsal and the premiere the dancer had said would stretch out a playful paw to he As one from whom life goes very quick- to twenty - two . Maud Allen . From her Turkey and in the provinces thereabout , to appear one gala , night at Belgrade . And Ty she crumbled to the floor , And stand on its head in sympathy . What does ? ' chorused the nobles . bands dropped the head . It rolled down where , among the wild clans still live the while , Belgrade was applauding Miss Allen dance went on to the end , with o " Why - to come out on the stage before Zichy standing , like a thundercloud in upon her breast and fell beside her , leay , ancient dances , she studied . Steadily as was reading , with tears and anger , a tele she worked og on her white body a crimson trail . on , month by month , the gram that said the gates of Munich were hundreds with feet bare , with shoulders midst of a laughing May morning . By the time it was over the Count so was the dancer Mand Allen taught strange innate knowledge within her kept closed between her and her antielpation , bare , with little dress , ” she said . " Ha , ha ha , " laughed : Count Zichy . madder than ever . that it is not well to jest with a noble of pace and ontstripped those things which and that there wouldn't be any premiere . Tle protested viole her from without . It was It does , indeed , ' said the little dancer even impolitely . The dancer was firm , It had happened that a men's club ” bullo Hungary . Not for many days did she dance as though within her the souls of old dancers Jon very conservative principles had movej earnestly .. " Every time I appear , until the had danced in the lions cage before Salome after that . Not for many days did awoke to being , interpreting , suggesting , strenuously , and Herr Von Halder , the cen spirit of it gets in my blood , it is as though lions . He must pay the ten thousand ma the dance at all . And now , as she gildes supplying those gaps that tinie had swept sor of last resort , hadi listened to thely I were about to undergo martyrdom . Đon't The Count had friends , many of them , with him , but pay he She issued plea . The morals of Munich had to be you think that is courage - to fight that sympathized about the waxen head on the stage of the away in the ancient dances . Varieties .. that gay stage where tragedy from the four - year novitiate tlte very spirit conserved said the club . Ergo - Miss Allen , down and go out and face the thing , you finally . dread ? Immediately the dancer turned the m this day has been tabooed , Paris of the dance , must not dance . “ Ha , ha , ha , " laughed Count Zichy again , over to one of the hospitals . watches and wonders at her diablerie , at Her Dance That Entrances Paris . The Mockery of Count Zichy . thinking doubtless of boar , hunts and duels Then she forgot all about it . the sinister power that radiates from every Came to her the call , sharp and Impera- " Miss Allen was very angry , Slie was so and other blood - curdling specialties , just a good joke . He had been so po movement of that wonderful dance , marvels tive , to interpret by her art the masters of augry that at last she won against the club " Hundreds of eyes peering in at you from od sd positively nasty , It was a at its flendishnes , and when it is done not music . And all of these wonderfully , truth and came right back to Munich . But when the darkened house , " for long can M. Brasseur and his joyous fully she brings before the eyes as clearly she got there she , danced in so many covi Iyes of men , eyes of women , sald the dancer . for him , In how Count Zichy stalked about in company bring Paris back to its normal con- as the great musician brings them to the erings , that hardly even her face could is the light of admiration for your frowning down the pleasantries dition of laughter . " Impressions plastiques ? ) they call be seen . The only concession she made Tq how many of them are other laughers . That is because Maud Allen has been well it here , but it'is very much more than that was to leave her very beautiful feet une lights - lights of contempt , of desire ? Each A few days went tranquilly by and taught not to jest with Hungary has Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata , Chopin's covered . And she danced only the most time I dance I think ofbit and dread it . " there came to Maud Allen a summo learned what it means to stir by ridicule Nocturnes , Mozart's Minuets , Grieg , classical of music and funeral marches and “ What you call in America - brag , " sala dance the Salome in one of the the current of barbarism that rolls strong Brahms , Strauss , all she brings before one everything like that , which was just as the Count . He was not in a very good palaces of Buda - Pesth . It came fr beneath the veneer . It is because that al in graceful lithe , beautiful lines of living much true art , but so terribly subdued humor that night . source that there was little denying ways when she dances Salome pon it is not flesh . There is no speaking , none of the or- that the good folk of Munich nearly went " Ha , la , bvag ! " laughed the Count , un- the dancer went . There seemed to the waxen head that is before her , but the pleasantly , " You would think you had the reason , for that matter , why she shod human head not long severed of a man she dinary taovements of the art of aeting . Her to sleep . Up to a great . dim , gorgeous salo never knew ; it is his dank hair that she body sings the underlying moties of the and after that and she really hado courage to dance in a den of Lions : Pout ! musie , bei face completes the chain of ideas , thought of doing it before - she tripped Miss Allen thought for : 4 - moment , while was ushered . Clustered about were se krasps , his dead flesh that she sees , and to Thus she plays upon emotions , whether it away to Buda -Pesth where people , wouldn'the nobles laughed with the Count . a score of men . Some few she kne sten the flood of horror and loathing that is the tender grace of a Chopin valse , the know what you meant , eyen if you men " How much will you bet ?? " she said sud- nobles Qthers were strangers to be comes over her she stvives and strives to nobles , too . apparently . Most court kate most mightily , and so become in truth tragedy of the Marche Funebre or the relig , tioned Comstock , except , perhaps , to ask deniyor ious , if it wasn't an American brand of beer . *** That you won't dance in a den of llons ? they greeted ber , Most * gallantly shat phase of Salome's love , Now , this is the manner of her moying Unrestrained , uncensorized and mostly Ter , thousand marks , " replied the Count . raised their glasses to her . Perhaps , too , once there lived a Roman danced in Buda " Done , " said Maud Allen . Then a hidden orchestra began sof Emperor who wished that all the Roman upon Buda - Pesth and why she danced be- uncovered , Miss Allen the spirit listed and the pro play the prelude to Strauss's Salome . Amid excitement the terms were settled . people had but a single neck that he might fore the lions , and why the bleeding ' head Pesth as Buda Pesth stood up she was to dancél Mendelssohn's Spring land white feet twinkling , body lithel dancer wreathed herself in the sever ramme indicated . sever it at a stroke . So , perhaps , dancer was given her . Strauss , sent In true art sie claims , there is no shame and cheered . her to Song ' ' clad in the costume of Botticelli's Maud Allen feels and sees in that head the combined heads of those Hungarian nobles of naked flesh , and yet to the dancer come to Paris and dance in that famous Primavera in the lion cage at the 200 beding , began that wondrous dance . one the vells were cast aside until or But Miss Allen , hind locked cage doors and with her two the traditions of the Orient production of Salome , who have turned one of the greatest tri . steeped in impbs of her art into a nightmare for her . there came the battle between the Occi , confronted by a three - year , unbreakablexions and a keeper . summons by the Grand Word went quietly about , and next day ( Continued on Page 11 Bo not for world , would she jest again dental ideal and the presentation of act- contract and a with Count Zichy , of Buda - Pesth , Always she Lad danced with Duke Montenuevo to appear before the before the liou cage at the Gardens stood aud ual truth . She cop , all of Buda - Pesth's noblest . Lance the Dance he Lions . bare feet and finally her conception of Royal Court át Vienna , couldn't . tinued to delight Buda - Pesth . home has curi roy its --- this story of Salome won against her prejudice . Very gally had the cage been ornamented . until It of many Car for an Auguste Herald June so , 1901

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