Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 306 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 306 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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- 2 April 17 , 1907 . Maud Allan who - as was reported earlier - was prohibited from appearing as Salome in Munich , will - as a private telegram has it - introduce herself with Greek dances to an audience at the Munich Theatre coming Thursday . April 19 , 1907 According to a private telegram from our Munich correspondent Maud Allan has now started with her performances . First of all , she did penance for her " Salome " sins by presenting Schubert's " Ave Maria " . Other pious dances followed . The intrinsic artistic relation between dance and musid was lacking , and the applause from the sparsely filled house appeared to be more demonstrativ than honest . April 19 , 1907 According to a telegraph from our Munich correspondent , the date for the libel action pending in connection with the Court Theatre affair has been set for May 10th . At the same time we are being informed that according to reports in the " Augsburger Postzeitung " the complaint that led to Miss Maud Allan's suspension as a dancer , is said to have originated with the " Munich Men's Club for the Fight Against Public Immorality . " April 27 , 1907 Our correspondent cables from Nürnberg that from Nürnberg that - after prohibition of public performances by the " Salome " dancer Maud Allan - a subscription performance planned by the dancer in the ' intimate ! theatre has been prohibited as well , since due to the nature of the performance also this presentation has to be considered public . Contact Doa Noelle the aber museum Galerieskasse 4a Mauch Tel 222449

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