Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 287a 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 287a 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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Jeigging March 1/1900 HOTEL HRH nisos su nema nitan bon Monda Maud Gwendolen Allan , uni sansmettan tauo stotis ninave a new art dancer nirea ninitsianas anglou and brongmaum The strong desire for artistic expressinn of abstract feeling usually becomes evident in dances ; this is sn in case of the primitives as well as with the child nf parents who hears music and moves body and limbs instinctively according to the rhythms that hit the ear . Dance without music is incredible . Rhythm may be compared to music itself if we follnw the thoughts of Pythagoras who called harmony the original note of spheres . Since we were pressed into certain order and laws we understand dance as an experessinn of communal excitement . Our modern time howecer , opened the door to a more artistic form of dance . This kind of dance originates in California . There schools have been opened who teach children in the art of graceful movement or Kallithenie . From one of these schools , the Delsartre School , came the renowned dancer Isadora Duncan , who was the first to show mpenly the by aesthetic movement of the body the formative expression of classic and romatic music . Of the same school is Maud Allan . Therefore it is not surprising that her debut in Vienna in 1903 dancing the musical impressions , showed similarities in performanc with I.D. Only after an intensive study of the performance of both dancers would it be possible to find the difference between the twn . Miss Allan has the advantage of an early musical educatinn . When she was young she travelled around concert halls in America as a pianist . But very soon she was occupied by the artifacts in American and European metropolis of the antiqua . Since 1903 she has performed in Eurnpe : Vieanna , Brussels , Elberfeld , Hamburg and Berlin . In Berlinxäske she performed twice last year and had gond critiques . When we saw her for the first time we were surprised by the graceful appearance of the artist , whose slim brdy , clothed in varinus layers of veil , captured all nur senses by her free movements of the body . The musical prngram included Bach , Beethoven , Mendelssohn , Fr. Schubert , F. Chopin , Her dances included " Ave Maria " by Schubert and " Trauermarsch " by Chopin , and they were of beholding beauty .

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