Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 276b 51 2008-1-29.jpg
Maud Allan 276b 51 2008-1-29.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Clippings 1900s 1

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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KÖLNER TAGEBLATT , February 25th , 1906 . " ... It is difficult to imagine a more complete gracefulness of the body in all its movements than is displayed by Miss Allan in her dancing . Her body appears to have lost all gravity , her joints ( ? ) seem to be without sharp curves , without angles ; everything on her is soft , floating , extremely flexible . " Miss Allan may look ahead to a significant future . " Miss Allan showed taste and culture in her various dance numbers , always anxious to avoid any exaggeration in her movements . This became especially obvious in her serious pieces , which were presented in a masterly manner by remarkably simple means . " sus , , . LLUSTRIERTES WIENER EXTRABLATT , Dec. 29 , 1906 . " Then her shoulders start to move , her arms rise , and her entire beautiful figure comes alive . Her round white arms play in all their joints , seem to become more and more flexible , describe passionate and excited lines , move like waves around her front and back , then again i flow away from her body , always in motion , never awkward , showing most delightful harmony in every single detail of her movements , " BUDAPESTER TAGEBLATT , Budapest , Jan , 1907 . " You got the impression that this nudity was not meant to have a sensuous effect , and Miss Allan achieves this impression of decency by not merely displaying outer shapes in her dancing , but rather by arousing admiration for the beauty of her lines , the charm of her movements , her muscle play . " L'EXPRESS , Liége , Jan. , 1905 ( PIERRE STELLAN ) , dit : Avec un goût parfait , un sens très juste de la ligne expressive , Miss Maud Allan danse en mine accomplie . En rythmes de chaste allégresse , elle évoque la chanson de Printemps , et c'est une merveille de juvenilité spontanée , puis elle trouve pour commenter l'écrasante Marche funebre des attitudes de deuil d'un style profondément impressionnant . Tour à tour pleureuse ou bacchante , elle a su , par la variété de son talent , captiver , durant près de deux heures d'horloge , un auditoire qui l'a vivement applaudie . " 66 99 q L'ESSAI , Paris , Mai , 1907 . La jeune artiste mime , avec une rare élégance . Ses gestes sont d'une grace supprême . Le succès de Miss Maud Allan a été très grand . " LA MEUSE , Bruxelles , Jan. 1905 , dit : Miss Allan est une danseuse admirable , savante en poses harmonieuses , aux gestes gracieux , jolis , enveloppants ou tragiques , habile a synthétiser en une attitude définitive les sentiments qui font palpiter l'âme . Elle fut miraculeuse de joliesse claire et enfantine : elle eut des gestes charmants , empreints d'une ravissante jeunesse : elle dansa avec un bel endiablement et une souplesse déconcertante la Valse Caprice . " Les peintres les dessinateurs ont pu ainsi admirer des attitudes glorieuses et des lignes impeccables . LE FIGARO , Paris , Mai , 1907 . * Miss Maud Allan a tout de suite conquis le public par sa grâce aimable et réservée , contrastant de façon très piquanle avec le costume plus que léger de Salomé , par sa mimique si expressive , sa danse d'un sentiment si dramatique , et , chose encore plus rare , sa délicieuse modestie , visible à la façon charmante dont l'exellente artiste est venue répondre aux nombreux rappels dont elle était l'objet . Son succès a été des plus vifs , encore grossi par l'atmosphère chaleureuse . " LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL'S GETFICIAL TRIBUTE . Extracted from Report of Proceedings , MORNING POST , March 19th , 1908 - " At a meeting of the London County Council , held on March 17th , Mr. Greenwood , the Chairman of the Theatres and Music Halls Committee , in answer to a question as to whether his attention had been called to the performance of Salome's Dance , ' at the Palace Theatre , by Miss Maud Allan , said “ That only one complaint , and that by letter , had been received by his Committee in respect of the performance . He had seen it himself on two occasions , and , speaking for himself , he considered it to be one of the most artistic and beautiful performances that had ever been put before the people of Tandon Thot dance wend who hichest rart and on wlassica ! is sech a was callem en in shown in 66 a $ TH

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