Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Programs

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 184a 51 2008-1-14.jpg
Maud Allan 184a 51 2008-1-14.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Maud Allan Programs

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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waar blic Libraries 1914 , June 2nd MAUD ALLAN AND LEO , JAN , MISCHEL CHERNIAVSKY . ... .. Popp ... ... ... ... ... ... ... PROGRAMME , TUESDAY , 2nd JUNE , 1914 . 1. LEO , JAN , MISCHEL CHERNIAVSKY . Mendelssohn Trio No. 2 , for Pianoforte , Violin , ' Cello , First Movement ... 2. MAUD ALLAN . Preludes Op . 28 Chopin No. 4 Sorrow 12 Despair 17 Hope 19 Joy 3. MISCHEL CHERNIAUSKY . Hungarian Rhapsodie 4. MAUD ALLAN . Menaciss . ( a ) Spring Song ( 6 ) Funeral March Chopin INTERVAL OF TEN MINUTES . 3. JAN CHERNIAVSKY . ( a ) Nocturne , E Major Chopin ( 6 ) Ballade , A Flat 6. LEO CHERNIAVSKY . Faust Fantasie Wieniawsky 7. MAUD ALLAN . ( a ) Nocturne , Op . 15 , No. 2 Chopin ( 6 ) Moment Musical , Op . 94 , No. 3 Schubert Maud Allan will be accompanied in all her Dances by the Cherniavsky Trio . Accompanist : CYRIL Towsey A difierent Programme will be submitted at each Concert . NOTICE . - The Management reserve the right to make alterations in this Programme . ger : HOWARD EDIE . Electrician : Fred . W. MITCHRLL . Treasurer : H. I. COHEN The MAUD ALLAN Company , under the direction of W. Angus MacLeod . ... ... ... ... ... j Manager : LLAN , MAUD ( 2.6.1914 ) The Bon Marche NEWTON For Exclusive Millinery

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