Felix Cherniavsky - Birth and Death Information (Maud Allan)

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 79 51 2008-1-9.jpg
Maud Allan 79 51 2008-1-9.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Birth and Death Information (Maud Allan)

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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EATRE IVIO'S WHO IN TIIE THE.ITRE Car میری Floto and Section on mand Allan in my OP Dancing Ancüt mortem to Birds Sing commenced TP.TO ) in numerous pictures since Party " ; " , " June , 1938 , Verdier in " Ty Crime " : i's , Oct. , 1938 , janct Royd [ Wedding New , Dec. V Stevens in " Punch With " Q , ” Apr. , 1940 , Anne “ Passing By " ; Aidwych , 4 , Leona Richards in “ To he World " ; toured , 1946 , ܂ ܙ ܝ Antiquarian loch 276124 1923 ; appeared in Paris , Dec. , 1924 , appeared at the Metropolitan Opera House , New York , Oct. , 1925 , and subsequently toureil in the United States ; at thie Auditorium , Los Angeles , and at Hollywood Bowl , 1925 , danced Tschaikowsky's Sixth Symphony ; returned to England , 1928 ; reappeared in London , at the Lyceum Theatre , Apr. , 1932 , when she played the Abbess in the revival of “ The Miracle " ; at the Manchester Repertory Theatre , Sept. , 1934 , appeared as Carric , the dancer , in " The Barker " ; author of " My Life and Dancing , ” 1908 ; has contributed various essays and articles on the Art of the Dance , etc. , in several maga zines and journals . a classical clancer ? Hellenic influences influenced by sarah kemhardt ( see , 30 composed -Marcel Remy , Belgian antoting ist performance tri Wine - And Botticelli laze zo ) Zinédin celut Ć MIP * 130 Salome dance dancing I lusia 212 254 24 Isten a 011111 ans atauM l Britain portrayal that sh After the deat ) in 1930 , ' Miss A retirement for t she appeared in London . In 1938 crash in Califori so severely that s . She returned early in the Sec drove an ambula returned to Calif time worked as the Douglas Airer Monica . She had retirement since . again . Battle nocimies E.O61 m Ab ( 181 ( 4 1 , 1931 , in “ Alibi , " and has Pi57 - 158 wcett in Ill Be Vaulting και τοutel , maulanc . Address : 8 Hertford Street , 1945 , as Mrs. Cooper in " Mr. Cooper's W.1 . Telephone No .: Grosvenor 1731 . Left Hand " ; Martin Beck , Mar. , ( 1883 -1956 ) 1946 , played Irene Haskell in " Little ALLAN , Maud , classical dancer ; b . Brown Jug " ; entered films , 1933 , in Toronto , Canada ; d . of Dr. William “ Should Ladies Bchave ? Address : Alan and his wife Dr. Isabel M. Actors ' Equity Association , 45 West ( Hutchinson ) : originally intended 47th Street , New York City , U.S.A. to be a pianist , and studied at San Francisco , Berlin , and Vienna ; made ALLAX , Elizabeth , actress ; b . Skeg- her debut as dancer at Vienna , ness , Lincs . , 9 Apr. , 1910 ; d . of Alex . 1903 ; subsequently appeared at many ander William Allan and his wife of the leading Continental cities ; Amelia Morris ( Woodward ) ; e . Dar first appeared in London at the Palace lington ; M. Wilfred James O'Bryen ; Theatre , Mar. , 1908 , and created a made her first appearance on the stage sensation with her famous “ Vision at the Lyric , Hammersmith , with the of Salome " and various other Oid Vic . company , 30 Sept. , 1927 , classical dances ; appeared at the walking on in " The Taming of the Palace without a break until Nov. , Shrew , subsequently appeared in 19087 subsequently toured in the “ The Merchant of Venice , " " Much provinces and during 1909 appcared Ado About Nothing , " and " Henry with great success at St. Petersburg V " ; at the Old Vic . , Feb. - May , 1928 , and Moscow ; in Jan. , 1910 , proceeded appeared in various productions , and to America , making her first appear played her first speaking part , Maria ance at the Carnegie Hall , New York , in " The School for Scandal , " Mar. , 20 Jan. , 1910 ; re - appeared at the 1928 ; subsequently toured with the Palace Theatre , Feb. , 1911 ; subse Ben Grect company in Shakespearean quently visited South Africa ; visited repertory ; she next toured as Mary India in 1913 , opening at Bombay , Lenley in “ The Ringer " and Eve Gray- Nov. , 1913 , and proceeding , thence son in " 77 Park Lane " ; at the Grand , to Calcutta ; subsequently visited the Croydon , Nov. , 1929 , played Florette Malay States , Burma , China , Manila , in " Gentlemen , the King " ; next ap- Australia , New Zealand , Tasmania , peared at the St. James's , Feb. , and United States , returning to Eng.com 1930 , when she played Romo in land in 1916 ; in 1916-17 , again toured Michael and Mary " ; Prince's , Nov. , in_the_United States ; appeared atqib 1930 , Phyllis Pye in " Oh , Daddy ! " ; the St. Martin's Theatre , Oct. , 1917 ; Phoenix ( for Repertory Players ) , Jan. , at the Court Theatre , 12 Apr. , 1918 , 1931 , Lilian Mann in " John Brown's appeared as Salome in Oscar Wilde's Body " ; Shaftesbury , Apr. , 1931 , play of that name : in May , 1918 , Daphne in " Mr. Faint - Heart " : Duke appeared at the London Pavilion ; of York's , Feb. , 1932 , Peggy Gayness toured in provinces 1918-19 ; again in “ The Iron Woman " ; Sept. , 1932 , toured in America , 1919-20 , and toured as Glad in " I Lived With You ” ; visited Argentine , Chili , and Brazil ; then spent six years in filins ; rc- returned to England , Oct. , 1920 ; appeared at the St. James's Theatre , toured the British Islcs until Apr. , Jan. , 1938 , as Dorothy Clark in " The 1923 ; visited the Near East , Apr. - May , 206 see also ( de ) Samuel Morgan Powell book Memories That Live ( e have it ) 23 OFMA $ f.23146 . atcelt for Deel ect . 7 , 1956 ( su also mend Allan article buy Sam . Morgan Pavell ) il

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