Felix Cherniavsky - Birth and Death Information (Maud Allan)

Added 18th Mar 2022 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 18th Mar 2022

Maud Allan 76 51 2008-1-9.jpg
Maud Allan 76 51 2008-1-9.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - Birth and Death Information (Maud Allan)

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE Wednesday March 28 , 1917 Orpheum Promises Big Bill Varied Offerings Next Week Maud Allan's Father Dies in South NO 1 Special Dispabeh to The Chroniele , LOS ANGELES , Maren 27.4.vlliam Ara father of Maud Allan , the noted Classic , dancer , died at his home in Hollywood today MISS Man who has been in Chloago tarted for Dos Angeles , todas and funeral ments will not be made , uati afer her arrival on Friday , William Allan's real name was Wit liam ' Durrant , although he has been known since the conviction of his son for the murders of Blanche Lamont and Minnie Wiliams in San Francisco in 1895 under the name of Allan , which was also adopted by the noted dancer . | Theodore Durrant was found guilty , after a trial replete with sensations , of slaying the two young girls in the Emmanuel Baptist Church , San Fran cisco , of which he was a member . | Later he paid the death penalty ) and the father adopted the maiden name of his wife , Allan . Miss Allan at the time of the trial was studying music and singing in Europe . Though she took no part in the trial her name was mentioneu , and when her father dropped the fam ily name she did 11 " - vtse . In 1908 Miss Allan took Ion or by story with her dancing , and it was then that she was identified the sister of the murderer , Durr . he idertitz be came known througi a copfiding , let ter written by the dancer to a girl friend in San Francisco after she had achieved fame Tummal arrangemats will not bemade anks after her arouval from Chicago on Peday Nonette , a dainty dancing violinist , who comes to the Orpheum Sunday as the stellar attraction on a new programme . Nonette , “ The Violinist Who Sings and Dances , " a Pupil of Ysaye , to Be Headliner N : ONETTE , " the violinist who success in " Song Sayings " ; Linne's sings and dances , " will be the classic dancers will be retained from headline feature of next week's this week's bill ; Ralph Locke , Ida Stanhope and their clever company bill at the Orpheum . It is claimed by will present John B. Hymer's divert this talented instrumentalist that ing comedy sketch , " The Cure , " and she was one of Ysaye's favorite pu- Wellington Cross and Lois Josephine pils and that her skill with the will proffer a new schedule of songs fiddle and the bow excited the admira- and dances . tion of the great Belgian master . A special feature of the programme , Eduardo and Elisa Cansino , Span- to be offered as an added attraction , ish dancers , will offer a beautiful act , will be presented by John Webster , the featured number of which is who will be seen in Willard Mack's " Las Moritas , " or " The Dance of the one - act drama , “ A Double Exposure . " Coquette . " The scenes of the sketch are laid in Ethel Hopkins , daughter of the a motion picture studio and develop celebrated Colonel J. D. Hopkins , one much interest in the intimate life of of the pioneers of vaudeville , will picture stars . Webster will be sup offer an attractive comedy and mu- ported a clever company . sical number . George Whiting and Motion pictures will round out the Sadie Burt will repeat their current programme .

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