Felix Cherniavsky - The Rugmaker's Daughter

Added 30th Jun 2021 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 30th Jun 2021

Maud Allan 838 51 2008-2-55.jpg
Maud Allan 838 51 2008-2-55.jpg
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Felix Cherniavsky - The Rugmaker's Daughter

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Maud Allan Research Collection
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BI FAMOUS $ 75,000 RUG IN FILMS SHAL ADDAS ANTIQUE A FEATURE OF MOTION PICTURE MAUD ALLAN AND FAMOUS RUG The famous Shah Abbas rug . the ago , took one expert Tugmaker over masterpiece of the noted $ 250,000.00 seventeen years to complete . At least collection of Frank L. Loftus of Los two of the dyes displayed in this rug Angeles , though famed for years in the are lost to the world . They are a rich rug lore of this country and Europe Tyrlan Purple and a Royal Blue . The for its wonderful beauty and history , central inscription presents the pri- . has been seen by but few people . It is . Turkey and stamps it as a personal vate sign manual of the Sultan of kept in a vault under lock and key , which the discovery of certain mys- another in days long dead and gone . gift to one mighty potentate from terious conspiracies in time past has The Loftus collection of Los Angeles rendered advisable , and the visitor wbom the owner honors with an invi- presents some exceptional specimens : tation to see it may count himself of the early art of the Orient , and its values , particularly in the case of the lucky indeed . Shah Abbas rug , are difficult to com It is this wonderful antique that has pute without underestimation in been loaned to Bosworth , Inc. , the Los 1906 an eight by ten Persian silk Angeles film producers , to play & owned by a wealthy New Yorker was prominent part in a forthcoming re - valued at $ 40,000 . It is probably worth lease , " The Rug Maker's Daughter , " three times as much to - day . In the for which picture the famous classic sale of the famous Yerkes collection dancer . Maud Allan , has been engaged some time ago under the auspices of at an enormous figure . the American Art Association one The rug is a great , magnificent mass small rug about six by seven feet , of pure silk , warp , woof and knot . smaller and not the quality of the eight feet four inches wide and ten | Shah Abbas , brought $ 37,000 . The feet four inches long in every one of Shah Abbas rug , therefore , is worth a the 12,400 square inches are 810 tiny , fabulous sum , and those who have hand - tied knots , a total of 10,044.000 often expressed their hopes of viewing knots in all , which one man tied by this wonderful antique , will soon have hand one at a time . The weaving of the opportunity to see it in : the ROS bir tasterare over three centuries I worth , Inc , film .

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