By Invitation Only: Dance, Confederation and Reconciliation exhibit

Added 25th Jun 2021 by Amy Bowring / Last update 25th Jun 2021

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By Invitation Only: Dance, Confederation and Reconciliation exhibit

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By Invitation Only: Dance, Confederation and Reconciliation exhibit photos
Curators: Amy Bowring, Troy Emery Twigg

During the ban of Indigenous dance, non-Indigenous Canadians appropriated stories and costuming from Indigenous traditions for their own choreography. In 1936, Russian émigré Boris Volkoff used both Inuit and Iroquois stories for his ballets Mala and Mon-ka-ta and showed these works at a cultural festival at the Berlin Olympics as Canadian content. In 1949, Volkoff choreographed The Red Ear of Corn based on an Iroquois story and commissioned John Weinzweig to compose the music. This practice persisted after the ban was lifted and can be seen on CBC variety television shows in the 1950s and in Bettina Byers’s 1953 production Pocahontas, among other examples.

Male costume for Bettina Byers’s production of Pocahontas, Eaton Auditorium, April 17, 1953
Bettina Byers Costume Collection, Dance Collection Danse
Photos: DCD
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Doo During the ban of Indigenous dance , non appropriand more and costumes from Indigenous tra their own choreography in 1936 , Russian emgre Bora Volkoff med both Inut and Iroquor stories for his balles Male and Aftow and showed these works at a cultural festival at the Berlin Olympics 2 Canadian content in 1949. Volkoff choreographed The Red Ew of Com based on an Iroquos story and commissioned john Way to compose the music . This practice persianed after the ban was lifted and can be seen on CBC variety television shows in the 1950s and Betra Byers 1953 production Pocations among other eamples . no ws more Gehe 944 she morate dame men ཞེས་ དང་ རྒྱུད་ RALLO P. EURO AITOA CONDON

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