By Invitation Only: Dance, Confederation and Reconciliation exhibit

Added 25th Jun 2021 by Amy Bowring / Last update 25th Jun 2021

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By Invitation Only: Dance, Confederation and Reconciliation exhibit photos
Curators: Amy Bowring, Troy Emery Twigg

Reproduction of circular issued by Duncan Campbell Scott,
Deputy Superintendent General of the Department of Indian Affairs,
December 15, 1921

The circular reads as follows:
It is observed with alarm that the holding of dances by the Indians on their reserves is on the increase, and that these practices tend to disorganize the efforts which the Department is putting forth to make them self-supporting.

I have, therefore, to direct you to use your utmost endeavours to dissuade the Indians from excessive indulgence in the practice of dancing. You should suppress any dances which cause waste of time, interfere with the occupations of the Indians, unsettle them for serious work, injure their health or encourage them in sloth and idleness. You should also dissuade, and, if possible, prevent them from leaving their reserves for the purpose of attending fairs, exhibitions, etc., when their absence would result in their own farming and other interests being neglected. It is realized that reasonable amusement and recreation should be enjoyed by Indians, but they should not be allowed to dissipate their energies and abandon themselves to demoralizing amusements. By the use of tact and firmness you can obtain control and keep it, and this obstacle to continued progress will then disappear.

The rooms, halls or other places in which Indians congregate should be under constant inspection. They should be scrubbed, fumigated, cleansed or disinfected to prevent the dissemination of disease. The Indians should be instructed in regard to the matter of proper ventilation and the avoidance of over-crowding rooms where public assemblies are being held, and proper arrangement should be made for the shelter of their horses and ponies. The agent will avail himself of the services of the medical attendant of his agency in this connection.
Photos: DCD
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ALTO ROSA DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS CANADA I & ULAR T ? " , 15th Lecember 1921 . Reproduction of circular issued by Duncan Campbell Scott , Deputy Superintendent General of the Department of Indian Affairs , December 15 , 1921 Str. It's rbserved with alarn that the holding of dances to the allons on their robertes 13 on the inoroase , and that these pristigea tend to disorganize the efforts which the Department is putting forts to make the self supporting I have , taerefore , to direct * ou to use your atnost endeavours to dissuade the Indians from excogsive indulgenoe in the practice of dancing . You should supress an " dan . a . " hion cause waste of tige , interfero - 1th the oooupasions of the Indians , unsettle then for serious work in jure treir health or ensourege them ir sloth and idleness . You ohonle also diasusle , and , if possible , prevent them from leaving their reserves for the purpose of attending fairs . exbibit'nrs , etc .. than their absence would result in their Om faraing and other interests being neglested . It 19 realized that reasonable smusement and resreation should be enjoyed by Indians , but the short not be allowed to dissipate their energies and aband on themselves t ) demirelistne amusesents . g the use ot taot and firmness you can obtain ontrol and keep it , and this nostrle t 90 trued progress will then disappear . The rooms , halls or etter places in which Indians con Terste samid be under crassert Inspection . The should be sorubbed , fumicato , leurset -r 11ain ! ected to prevent the 21ssemination of disease . the Indians should be Instrusted in regard to the matter of or ser ventilation and the avenue of overcrowding r3 maere 175112 asse " lies are bein held , and prapor arrencemert . be made for Sheltor of their horses and bonias . Thc Zert will av . 11 himsell of the services of the medical attendent of his acancy ta this conteotton . scept bere further information is desired , tbare w111 be no necess1 : tao'm ledge tae recent or t : 18 biroular . The circular reads as follows : It is observed with alarm that the holding of dances by the Indians on their reserves is on the increase , and that these practices tend to disorganize the efforts which the Department is putting forth to make them self - supporting . I have , therefore , to direct you to use your utmost endeavours to dissuade the Indians from excessive indulgence in the practice of dancing . You should suppress any dances which cause waste of time , interfere with the occupations of the Indians , unsettle them for serious work , injure their health or encourage them in sloth and idleness . You should also dissuade , and , if possible , prevent them from leaving their reserves for the purpose of attending fairs , exhibitions , etc. , when their absence would result in their own farming and other interests being neglected . It is realized that reasonable amusement and recreation should be enjoyed by Indians , but they should not be allowed to dissipate their energies and abandon themselves to demoralizing amusements . By the use of tact and firmness you can obtain control and keep it , and this obstacle to continued progress will then disappear . Yours ver : truly , 1 ; Tenuty Superintendent Gener.1 . The rooms , halls or other places in which Indians congregate should be under constant inspection . They should be scrubbed , fumigated , cleansed or disinfected to prevent the dissemination of disease . The Indians should be instructed in regard to the matter of proper ventilation and the avoidance of over - crowding rooms where public assemblies are being held , and proper arrangement should be made for the shelter of their horses and ponies . The agent will avail himself of the services of the medical attendant of his agency in this connection . tume for Bettina Byers's production Eos . Eacon Auditorium , April 17. 1953 Costume Calcon . Danes Collection Danse

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