By Invitation Only: Dance, Confederation and Reconciliation exhibit

Added 25th Jun 2021 by Amy Bowring / Last update 25th Jun 2021

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By Invitation Only: Dance, Confederation and Reconciliation exhibit

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By Invitation Only: Dance, Confederation and Reconciliation exhibit photo
Curators: Amy Bowring, Troy Emery Twigg

Province House Ball 1864 by Dusan Kadlec. This painting is a contemporary imagining of what the Grand Ball held at Province House in 1864 might have looked like.
Reproduction courtesy of Dusan Kadlec
Photo: DCD
The collections that this item appears in.
By Invitation Only: Dance, Confederation and Reconciliation exhibit
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A group of people standing in front of a building
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3 게 vince House Ball 1864 by Dusan Kadlec . This enting is a contemporary imagining of what the held at Province House in Charlottetown ght have looked like Production courtesy of Dusan Kadlec sarl and ostrich feather hand fan with satin ribbon and d . 1890s . The pencil was used by men to sign the woman's and reserve a dance with her . Dance cards were usually woman's wrist with ribbon . of person University Fashion Research Collection . Suddon - Cleaver 201407.572 s brocade slippers with buckle and grosgrain bow 1880s