Norbert Vesak Portfolio

Added 25th Jun 2021 by Beth Dobson (Archives and Programming Assistant, DCD) / Last update 25th Jun 2021

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Norbert Vesak Portfolio

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Various photocopies of news clippings, including:

- VESAK25: Copy of newspaper clipping about The Playhouse Theatre Company's "Land Before Time." "Dramatic Peas and Beans Don't Belong in the Same Playhouse Theatre Pod" by Christopher Dafoe.

- VESAK27: Copy of newspaper clipping about Playhouse Stage 2's "Land Before Time," Arts Club Theatre, February 20, 1969.

- VESAK38: Copy of newspaper clipping about George Ryga's "The Ecstasy of Rita Joe." "Third Act for Rita Joe." June 21, 1969.

- VESAK44: Copy of program for The Playhouse Theatre Company's "The Royal Hunt of the Sun," 1969/1970.

- VESAK87: Copy of newspaper clipping about Norbert Vesak moving to California. "Canadian Offers 'Too Late'," by Glennis Zilm, August 19, 19[?].

- VESAK145a-b: Copy of program for Paul St. Pierre's "Skokiam."
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Amy Hull – June 29 Presentation
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Dramatic Peas and Beans Don't Belong In the Same Playhouse Theatre Pod By CHRISTOPHER DAFOE music of language and the si - the thin , sweet music of move- way out by going to the girl's Jacques Languirand's The lent but equally powerful music ment are enough and they serve door and asking for the loan of Partition and M. Charles Co. of movement . well . a pinch of salt or sugar . hen's The Land Before Time do A narrator , splendidly played Director Ray Michal and cho- Our patience cracks , I think , not really fit comfortably onto by Robert Graham , stands in reographer Vesak have worked because Languirand has been 80 the same hill . The Partition is a the shadows just beyond our vi- together to produce a dramatic painfully accurate in his observ . modest work , clever and touch- sion and tells us strong , simple experience of great and compel - ation of human loneliness . The ing in its way , but when placed tales about the time before ling beauty . play is too real , it strikes too beside Cohen's sublime crea- history when the world was tion , it tends to fade away and made and when ravens shook spills onto the open stage at the Before all this cool beauty many chords , it is too highly masturbatory . In the end we diminish . the new clay and created man , Arts Club , however , the circle turn away I suppose those in charge of the stars , the sun and moon . of light is given over to Lan Alan Wallis , the director , The Playhouse Theatre Compa- STUNNING MIME guirand's short play about lone in the play himself . His produc ny's Stage Two series felt that Cohen's strong , simple lan liness and unfulfilled possibili- tion moves with the rhythe The Land Before Time was too ties , The Partition . erotic dream . short to present on its own . It guage suits these rough - hewn , A man and a woman exit in lasts only about 40 minutes and vividly dramatic stories . beauti- adjacent rooms . They never there are probably those who fully and the balletic mime , meet , but their spirits are would complain that they hadn't created by Norbert Vesak , is drawn to one another . been given their money's worth quite stunning . if they were sent home before the dancers - Barbara Bar 10 : 30./3 sky , Richard Blackhurst , Rogerl OF SHYNESS NOBLE WORK Dressler and Linda Sorensen - on either side of a partition and Just the move like pale shadows , giving they move toward each other same , it would probably have been better if words uttered in the darkness always they draw back . shape , substance and life to the like moths toward a flame , but Cohen's work had been pre . by the narrator . . sented on its own . There is no They speak to each other si The Land Before Time is not lently but there is no contact . law that I know of that says a wholly a play , it is not wholly Shyness and convention stand performance is not a perform- dance but it combines the es- like a wall between them . ance unless it lasts a certain length of time . Forty odd min . sential elements of both and The piece is played with great utes of The Land Before Time passes before our sight like vis- intensity almost an overplus ual music . of intensity enough at any price by Linda Soren is value e sen and Robert Graham . It is a It is a work of great nobility RICH SILENCE , cleverly constructed , finely bal . number one has taken a There is no real musical ac - anced short lyric , but the ob has fashioned from them a dra- would , I think , be a mistake . again , to cry out , advising the matic event that combines the The rich music of Silence and tormented man to take the easy :

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