Newfoundland dance project 2019

Added 12th May 2021 by Jennifer Lynn Dick / Last update 15th Jun 2021

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Newfoundland dance project 2019

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The description of this Item
Rehearsal break for Anne Troake's piece 'Weather' with Anne Troake, Chris Darlington, Tedi Tafel, Caroline Niklas, photo taken by Jennifer Dick. This photo contextualizes the work of the dancer as it happens in and around the spaces of dance making. This is an example of transmission and how it happens in shared spaces and relaxed exchanges--talking about what just happened in a rehearsal, what might be next, exchanging what what we think. This knowledge isn't contained within the record or archive of performance or in choreography.
The collections that this item appears in.
Jennifer Dick's Collection
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person outdoor house stone plant ground sitting bench porch
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A person sitting on a bench in front of a house
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