Sonia Del Rio Electronic Archives-s_del rio 7.jpg

Added 17th Sep 2020 / Last update 17th Sep 2020

Sonia Del Rio Electronic Archives-s_del rio 7.jpg
Sonia Del Rio Electronic Archives-s_del rio 7.jpg
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Sonia Del Rio Electronic Archives-s_del rio 7.jpg

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Sonia Del Rio Electronic Archives-s_del rio 7.jpg
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Profile SONIA DEL RIO Dancing is her life L du Québec of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens . In 1988 , she choreographed Carmen for the Opéra de Montréal . eafing through the pages of Sonia Del Rio's photo album leaves no doubt to this dancer's huge suc cess . She is photographed along side such stars as Rex Harrison , Dali and Alicia Markova ( prima ballerina ) . Her intense look , ebony hair and every thing else about her is so typically Spanish it's difficult to think otherwise . Yet , Sonia Del Rio ( née Boisvenu ) was born in Quebec . She grew up in Montreal where , at the age of 13 , she studied ballet and Spanish dance at the Lacasse Morenoff studio . DANCE OF GYPSIES Flamenco dance , today so dear to the Spaniards , has not always been so well received . Its roots are in Gypsy and Moorish folklore . " Up to the beginning of the century , dancing the flamenco was poorly thought of . " It's the great dancer Argentina , for whom Manuel de Falla composed Le Tricorne and other ballets , who established this dance . " Flamenco is a duel between man and woman , here emotions prevail and dancers perform intricate footwork to demonstrate assertiveness , but at the same time sinuously stretching out their arms heavenwards . " Understanding flamenco " requires having lived real - life experi ences , a desire for challenge , strong personality and above all pro found sensitivity . Mastering the technique is not enough . " This ex plains why flamen co dancers are at the peak of their careers between the ages of 35 and 60. " Flamenco dance has taught me self - discipline , self - con fidence and given me a sense of pride . " DANCE WAS HER DESTINY At 18 , her life took a new turn . She met the very famous dancer José Greco on tour in Canada . Following his advice , Sonia took advantage of her immense tal ent and enrolled at the Lutyce Del Luz Dance Academy in Paris . Later , she com pleted her studies in Madrid under the great dance masters . To this day , Sonia is the only Canadian to have received a diploma from the National Royal Dance Academy of Madrid . Sonia was only 22 when her most cher ished dream came true : to perform with Antonio Gades and the Pilar Lopez dance company on the Costa Brava in Spain . " Far off , a castle appeared on a hilltop and the open - air stage projected into the sea . " She is still overcome with emotion when she describes that glorious moment when she danced Carmen in the amphitheatre at Verona in Italy She later set off on tours in Spain and throughout the world . For three years she danced solo with José Greco , touring the United States , South Africa , England , Australia and Canada . The years went by . Everywhere she performed she got rave revues . In 1974 , she fell in love . Our flam boyant bailerin returned to Canada to marry and give birth to her son , Sébastien . But for all that , Sonia Del Rio didn't bid dance farewell . In 1980 , at the request of Ludmilla Chiriaeff , she accepted to teach Spanish dance at the Ecole supérieure de danse а DANCE IS HER LIFE Her world continues to revolve around Spain . She speaks fluent Spanish and cooks typical Spanish dishes . " My hus band can prepare paella and gazpa cho like no one else . " Sonia Del Rio , now 50 , continues to dance and is a teacher of flamenco at the academy which bears her name . " Personally , to dance is always a sheer delight . " Her next show , an anthology of Spanish ballet , is scheduled for the end of October at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts . An event you won't want to miss ! 6

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